Efficient Warrior
Wing Chun
Wing Chun Unchained ©
The Legendary Bruce Lee with his teacher,
Grandmaster Ip Man
Wing Chun aka Ving Tsun is a Southern Chinese fighting method that is known for its straight forward approach to
practical combat. Simple, Direct, Efficient are terms used to describe this extremely effective method of Kung Fu.

Ip Man is a name which has recently become very well known, thanks to a very popular series of movies based on
the life and exploits of the legendary Kung Fu Grandmaster and teacher of film legend Bruce Lee.

The attention brought to Wing Chun by the popularity of, first Bruce Lee, and now his teacher Ip Man has been
both a blessing and a curse to this Kung Fu system.
Due to the demand for Wing Chun instruction, there have
been many unscrupulous individuals who have claimed
fraudulent certification and qualifications in order to take
advantage of the popularity of the Wing Chun lineage of
Grandmaster Ip Man,

Long before the popularity brought on by the Ip Man
movies there was one instructor in the United States who
already had 30 years of experience in the Ip Man Wing
Chun system, and had already had his first book,
"Mastering Wing Chun - The Keys to Ip Man's Kung Fu"
placed in the Ip Man Museum in Foshan, China!
That Instructor is Efficient Warrior Wing Chun Association Founder and Chief Instructor Tony Massengill.
Sifu (Teacher) Tony Massengill was certified at a Master Instructor Level in the Direct Ip Man Family Lineage in
2005. He  was the
SENIOR U.S. INSTRUCTOR under Samuel Kwok, who is the only instructor to reach Master
Level under BOTH of Ip Man's sons. Through Sifu Tony's close relationship with Samuel Kwok,
Tony  has also
had the unique opportunity of training under BOTH of Ip Man's sons Ip Chun and Ip Ching
, Both of
whom endorsed Tony's first book, Mastering Wing Chun and had it placed in the Ip Man Museum in Foshan,
China, honoring their legendary father!

Efficient Warrior Wing Chun Association has Instructors spreading across the United States who can
help you experience the Wing Chun system as passed by the
direct Ip Man FAMILY Wing Chun lineage!

The Wing Chun / Ving Tsun taught by the Efficient Warrior Wing Chun Association reflects not only the Ip
Man FAMILY method but also the research Sifu Tony has done in the
Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun system
with Sifu David Peterson, Giving our students a very well rounded Wing Chun Education!
about our Chief Instructor Tony Massengill

Distance Learning
Training Program

If you are in an area without access to
qualified Wing Chun instruction
we have the solution!

We can help you become Your Areas
Qualified Instructor!
Click Here!
Feature Article
Wing Chun Unchained, not Unchanged
Wing Chun Illustrated article by
Sifu Tony Massengill
This is basically our Training Philosophy and
our Mission Statement!

Instructors List
Click Here!
Become Your Area's
Ip Man Family Wing Chun
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Host a Seminar!
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Information on Training in
Virginia with Sifu
Tony Massengill
Click Here!

Now Available!
Sifu Massengill's
Latest Book
Becoming Your Own
Click Here
Training Opportunities
Efficient Warrior Ip Man Wing Chun / Ving Tsun ------- efficientwarrior@gmail.com /  (757) 846-1188